Licks Ingredients Explained: Cat Immunity


Do you have a new cat or a rescue adapting to a new surrounding? Is your cat prone to picking up viruses? Maybe your cat goes outdoors and you just want to keep them healthy from what is out there- Cat Immunity might be for you! In this blog, we’ll go over the active ingredients in our Cat Immunity product and how they can help! LICKS® Immunity provides nutritional support for healthy immune function.

Curiosity isn't the only thing cats have to worry about. With a little extra boost, your cat's immune system can knock out illnesses before those nasty viruses and bacteria know what hit them. These disease fighting ingredients support respiratory health, contain immune enhancing effects, and assist the immune system overall.


An essential amino acid that serves as a building block for proteins to promote muscle growth and tissue repair. Helps the body absorb calcium and produce hormones, enzymes, and disease-fighting antibodies.


An essential amino acid required for felines, yet not naturally produced by felines. Taurine has many fundamental biological roles such as conjugation of bile acids, antioxidation, osmoregulation, membrane stabilization and modulation of calcium signaling.

Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)

Improves immune function by enhancing white blood cell function and activity. Increases blood levels of interferon and antibodies.

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Cat Immunity
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$63.00 every 3 months
Summer Creighton