LICKS Testimonials!
Love LICKS Pill-Free Solutions? Send us a testimonial below!

"When we got Melissa from the shelter she was so hyper and anxious that she would only sleep a couple of hours a day. She was a real handful as well, the Dennis the Menace of cats. Fortunately, we found Licks Zen and she's taken it every day for over 3 years now and is now a sweet dream! Her sleep normalized right away, and she mostly naps or lounges around now, and is a bundle of joy! Licks Zen is a true life changer!"

“I am so happy to have found your Small Breed Dog Multi-Vitamin for my three dogs. I have spent a fortune on vitamins in liquid and pill form. My dogs would not take them. Then I found your multi-vitamin in a gel. So I thought why not try it. I ordered two boxes. I mixed the chicken flavored gel in their food. They love it! Normally they do not eat all of their food but they do now. Thank you so much for making this wonderful product”

“My dog, Charlie, rescued me 2 years ago when he was 2. I didn't get much information about his life before the Humane Society, but I quickly found out he was a very anxious dog. His biggest struggle has been dog to dog socializations and resource guarding. I am a dog trainer for PetSmart and decided to recruit the help of Licks Zen when they were recommended from our grooming salon to help aide our training progress. I am so glad they recommended that because we have much more productive training sessions due to Charlie's level of anxiety being much lower!
This past weekend we captured this photo of Charlie (left) and his new friend Addie!! Charlie has made such strides in his training thanks to Licks and I am constantly talking this product up in my training classes! Thank you for making a wonderful product :)”

“Hi again! So when Mr. Max was younger I found out that he was allergic to over the counter food. I started making his food (brown rice and chicken) and after much searching found your Multi Viamin Feeding Aid. I wrote you and told you how please I was and you actually are using my Testimonial on the box! Well, Max is quite a bit older and recently it appeared that he was starting to wind down. I was heart broken watching him move with difficulty as well as learning that his heart was skipping beats and feared we may not have him for much longer. I started using the Joint + heart formula and within two weeks even my dog walker was telling me what did I do! Max is like a puppy again! Loving life and running around playing with his 11 month old Italian Mastiff Sister, who by the way also gets the Multi viamin feeding aid. I havent had his heart retested but I am sure it is helping with that as well. Once again, Thank you so much for providing these formulas.!! I have my little guy back happy and healthy!!”

We are loyal customers of Lickspillfree and have sent in multiple testimonials at this point, but I wanted to give an update on our Licks journey. I have 2 bully breeds and they are prone to ccl injury’s, being extremely energetic and playful. Zeus has been a long time Joint and Heart enthusiast lol and now his little sister, Dutchess, is as well. She has also partially tore her ccl recently, and has been taking the supplement for 4 months now. Thankfully, her knee is working again at mostly full capacity. As you can see, they love to frolic together!

“Holy wow! We have been on the struggle bus with our rescue chihuahua for close to 2 years. We've also spent a grip of money on behavioral training, blood work, and pills that worked marginally at best for Beau-Maddon's obsessive licking. I just happened to find your product "Calming gel packets ZEN" at Wal-Mart. There was ONE jar left. I figured it was worth a shot. The last 2 nights he has laid down and gone to sleep peacefully. 😴 It really is a small scientific miracle. Thank you so much for helping him with a quality non-pill solution and saving our sanity!”

“My dog has a great coat, no scratching, bright eyes and no more runny poops! I highly recommend the vitamins, skin/allergy and digestive enzymes. My dog gets great vet checkups and is in excellent health. I couldn't do it with out licks and most importantly, he LOVES HIS VITAMIN PACKETS and he’s a picky eater.”

“Giving Spook Licks Zen has calmed him down so he isn't aggressive towards our 8 year old female cat. It mellows him right out so he doesn't have the urge to jump at her when she walks by.”

“My pup has been having allergies and a sensitive stomach. This (LICKS Skin&Allergy and LICKS Digestion) helped her get back on puppy food while helping her naturally. It’s her favorite treat and makes mealtime fun!”

“We love this product. Due to spraining the back right leg from excessive running and jumping, Jellybean was unable to move much. After a trip to the ER vet they placed her on meds that really didn't seem to do much! Our family vet suggested putting her on glucosamine, but Jellybean has a problem taking large pills. We came across these licks and tried them. It was like night and day after a week taking them. We wouldn't be without them. They work fast and definitely help. I have my friends using this product too! Such a great product! Thanks!”

“This product has helped my dog so much. My dog was loosing all his fur and the vet did not know what else could be done. We discovered this product and with in a month his fur has grown back. The Skin and Allergy supplement has been amazing!”

“This stuff is amazing for traveling with pets! Their Zen packets have dogs chillin and stress free!“

“My dogs were itching relentlessly. I had tried everything from changing their diet to myriad skin and grooming products. While at a local store looking for yet another product to try I saw Licks. The price was very reasonable so I thought I'd give it a try. Not only did it stop them from itching, but improved their coats as well. My dogs love the taste of them they line up to get them....literally. We are fur-ever customers!!”

“My sweet Sampson is a rescue dog. He had a rough start in life that left him with some pain from old injuries. At only 6, he was getting arthritis more and more frequently. I was given carprofen to help when it was really bad but I was worried about the damage to his liver over time at such a young age. I tried other supplements but they were pills that he hated. He had enough trauma in his life without me shoving a pill down his throat everyday. I was already using the Zen for thunder storms and fireworks and loved it. I decided to look for other Licks products that could help since the dogs (I have 3) love the taste so much. I’m so happy I did and so is Sampson. I started giving him the Elder Dog Mobility and he has been feeling so much better that I haven’t had to give him medication at all anymore. We are so thankful”

“We tried out LICKS – calming stuff and it works wonderfully! We had a bunch of people over last night and Lucky actually fell asleep on the couch, and we gave her a pillow and blanket! She was more than ‘Zen.’"

“Since Licks Joint and Heart worked so well for my other dog’s knee injury, I decided to try the Zen packet for my little girl, Dutchess. There’s nothing she loves more than a delicious treat, so she really does her happy snack dance when she hears the packet being opened. It has helped me so much with being able to clip her nails, because she is so fearful of the clippers that she made it nearly impossible before. Yet another great experience with a Licks product!”

“Lenna is a special needs dog. She is deaf, blind and has hydrocephalus. Using Licks feeding aide has helped her to gain weight and keep her fighting! She’s a picky eater, as soon as she smells the package open she comes running to gobble up her food. Thank you Licks!”

“My neighbor gave me a few of your Dog ZEN™ tubes to try with my 2 dogs that are highly stressed by Florida's daily summer storms. So far, this product has been a godsend! I would highly recommend it to my customers, as well my friends and family! Thank you, for making a product with good ingredients that works!”

“Lady has been suffering with bad skin allergies for years and it seems to be extra worse this year. She gets hots spots, you name it. I have tried everything. It wasn’t until she started LICKS a few months ago that the rashes started to disappear. We use both the skin & allergy and the elderdog. Thank you for making an amazing product! 🙌🏼🙌🏼”

“I have tried everything to help Tucker’s seasonal allergies and finally found instant relief with Licks! His coat is glowing and he has his energy back! Oh does Tucks just love his treat too! He is 15 and we just want him to be comfortable and enjoy everyday with his Family! Thank you Licks ❤️”

“When there's a thunderstorm or fireworks Erma becomes a frightened, trembling 160 pound mass of St Bernard.
She pants and paces, she trembles all over. She's inconsolable. My sister suggested Licks. I could hardly believe the difference it made. The trembling is gone. The pacing is gone. There's still a little anxiety with panting but she's so much better able to cope. It's helped so much. Thank you!”

“My GSD Sally was 18mos when I adopted her. She was believed to have barely survived malnutrition and coat-loss during months on the street, including time during the horrific rain storms during the Houston area 2016 Tax Day floods. Sally would become highly panicked during storms, light rains, even when she only heard the sprinkler system or me running my shower. So it wasnt so much the sense of a storm, it was as simple as the sound or sight of water. Her eyes would get bug-eyed, she'd pant, and her whole body would shake uncontrollably. Her heart was racing to fast to count beats. Her blood pressure must have been soaring. She even raced around the house or would climb on top of me. I was worried she would actually stroke out. I first tried the thunder shirt. That brought her down from 100% freaked to maybe 75%. I needed something more. I found licks locally and tried it. She's just under 60lbs and I gave her 2 packs about 30min before a pending storm... or just before bedtime if it was going to happen overnight... and then I gave her 1 pack 6hrs later until storm passed. That first time we tried LICKS, while wearing the thunder shirt, she came down from 100% freaked all they way down to only 25% nervous!!! It was fantastic!!! And over time, she realized that the LICKS was the reason for her feeling safer, so I no longer needed the thunder shirt and got the same great results and eventually even better results as part of the fix was now her trusting the fix. And now, 6yrs later, she will lead me to the kitchen pantry for a "dose" when she feels a storm coming thru, and is calm with just 1 or 2 packs and no followups. This has been a life saver!!!”

“We first saw this at Petsmart while looking for something to help our Boxer-Australian Shepard rescue during the 4th of July . She is a big dog and a SUPER picky treat , food , really anything eater . If she does not like the smell than you're screwed, there's no way it's going in her mouth . She's also a big baby who's scared of loud noises soooo we took a chance and bought a 5 pack they had . WOW Thank Goodness we did !! First off she loved ❤ it , like licked the wrapper clean loved 😍, Secondly it actually worked ! Not knocked her out worked, but just chilled her enough so some music , favorite blanket and mom distracted her from the fireworks. We're so happy we took a chance and appreciate this product !”

“Our 14 1/2 year old mini American Eskimo has been struggling with Dementia and Sundowners Syndrome over the last 2 years. This has caused many sleepless nights for us all. Licks Zen has become part of our nightly routine (including a few other supplements) without which we would all be far beyond sleep deprived! Your product helps calm our girl, relaxing her and allowing her to ease into a restful night's sleep (more importantly, at night!). Thank you for giving us all a little more time to enjoy each other.“

“I have been using Lick's Multi-Vitamin since we got our dog Happy 7 years ago. I am happy with my experience for I can say that in those 7 years, Happy has had Perfect Health.. never a reason to take him to Vet, except for a checkup visit. THANK YOU LICKS!”

“My cat Big Boy, was having trouble going #1. He didn't feel good at all, going potty outside his litter box, getting sick. I did take him to the vet. The gave him some meds, said I would have to change his diet. I went to one of my pet store that carried your "Licks". I needed the UT care. After about 2 days, he was a lot better and going #1 with no problems. Love this product. It's not all full of chemicals. And Big Boy is happier too.😺😻”

“Grace is a awesome dog except with storms and fireworks. Heavy thunder and loud noises make her climbing in spaces that there's no way she can get out of let alone get into she constantly paces she shakes it's horrible. So this year I decided to try the licks pill free Zen for the Fourth of July‘s fireworks I gave her 3/4 of a packet and she was calmed down and sleeping within 15 minutes. For super bad thunderstorms I’ll give her 3/4 of a packet and she’ll be just fine with in about 15 minutes. This is the absolute greatest product I have ever used!!!”

“Destiny eats a (Skin & Allergy) gummy every morning, like clockwork. She doesn't itch or scratch and you can see how her coat is shiny. She LOVES her Licks and wouldn't think of starting her day without it.”

“My picky boy likes this stuff (Dog Skin & Allergy). I give it to him in his bowl before dinner each day. It has been a little less than 2-weeks but I have noticed that he is licking his paws a lot less. I am hoping with more time his skin will not have the irritated pink look. I will buy again!”

“Lula was diagnosed with megacolon and prescribed 2 drugs. She started losing her fur in patches. It would fall out, grow back in, fall out again. I thought maybe her drugs were not allowing her to absorb enough nutrients, so I started her on Licks Cat Multi-Vitamin. Her fur grew back in and did not fall out again. And, her fur is now fuller and thicker!”

“Oakley will be 14 in November 2022. She has had chronic UTI's most of her life. I found a urinary supplement that controlled them well for years & years, but that was discontinued a few years back. After trial & error she had repeat UTIs again. I found LICKS a few years ago & she's only had 1 in that timeframe (I missed giving her LICKS Urinary a few times that week prior to urinary incontinence starting again while asleep.) LICKS Urinary works very well for my dog, keeps her UTIs away for sure!
Also- She started the Multivitamin daily in May 2022 two weeks after her 2nd Vestibular flare. (There is really 'nothing that can be done' for Vestibular Disease but I looked into "vitamins for vestibular disease" and many of of the vitamins recommended was in the LICKS Multivitamin.) Within a week of taking the multivitamin, she perked up/became more stable. I truly feel that the Multivitamin helped her heal from her 2nd Vestibular flare. First flare wasn't too bad in Dec 2021, 2nd one was in May, hoping to prevent them with this multivitamin. Thank you LICKS for making such a nice product!!”

“Micah is a large mixed breed with a sad past before we rescued him. He is now 17 and up until last year was having more and more difficulty doing stairs. I thought the end was near. I tried Licks and from the first pack, he was back to being able to go up and down stairs. He is able to do his walks and feels better. I wouldn't have thought an otc could work so well. Thank you!”

“Grateful my dog doesn't suffer from bloat anymore! Now she’s excited when it’s time to eat. Forever standing by this (Licks Digestion) product!“

“Belle s 10 years old and developed a severe infection in her lymphnodes about a year ago. After spending thousands at 3 different vetrenarians and 9 months of different antibiotics, steroids and blood work, nothing was helping. In fact it kept getting worse. There was constant snot and blood everywhere. We finally started to accept that we weren’t going to figure it and prepare for end of life comfort meds. We took her off of the pills and I came across Elder Dog Licks at the store. We took one last attempt with the gel packs and within a couple weeks Belle's symptoms almost fully stopped and she got all her energy back! Belle is my ESA dog used to get me through a serious brain injury and is quite popular everywhere. Thanks to these gel packs, I have my little companion back to normal!”

“My dog has stomach problem once in a while from stress, this (Licks Zen) is helping her almost immediately.“

“Myrtle is a 14-year old Dachshund and I really didn't think the vitamins would do much at her age but boy was I wrong. She has a little pep in her step and has actually been playing with the younger dogs and running around - yes, running. It is amazing to see. I'm a senior on a fixed income so I was really hesitant to spend the money but it sure has been worth it - so much so that I signed up for a subscription for the vitamins. Thank you Licks - I feel like the clock has rolled back a bit and I'll have more time with my old girl now.”

“We have a 10 wk old pup that is teething and Licks (ZEN Calming Aid) helps her settle down so she can get some sleep!”

“Smokey has always shedded excessively and after using Licks he doesn't shed anymore! I always hated cleaning up the floors three times a week! Not only does he not shed, but his coat is very very shiny again! The only problem is, he doesn't really like the taste and that is a process.“

“Steven is my 17-year-old 3-legged Russian Blue. He loves Senior Cats Licks! He licks it right out of the envelope!”

“Rain and thunder are so scary to Sugar. Licks Zen helps her through the storm!”

“Kronk loves licks! He gets so excited when he see the packet!”

“Great for the small dogs. Have tried many other brands. Licks is best!”

“Our dogs love Licks! And we love the benefits! Our lab - Rose - goes through phases of excessive shedding to the extent that she would have bald spots under her collar. Ever since we started consistently using Licks Skin and Allergy formula, her coat looks beautiful! Soft, shiny, and no excessive shedding! Jack - our beagle - gets itchy during the spring and summer months. Itch be gone! Both love getting their "goop" at dinner time.”

“Recently Big Buddy began to have problems going to the litter box to urinate. After a trip to the Animal Hospital he was diagnosed with Urinary Tract problems. I researched his diagnosis and began to add the Urinary Tract Care to his special diet and he is almost back to normal after just two days.”

“Miss foofoo (who uses Licks Urinary Tract Care) was adopted from the Aspca at the age of 3 now 16 has been in stage 4 kidney failure for a year. Such a strong beautiful fur baby. My son was a month old when we adopted her. He’s now 13. She is loving but a sassy baby. She loves temptation treats and catnip. She’s just a girl who like to lounge around and be a couch potato now that she’s an older gal . She has a couple of siblings who they have a love-hate relationship, and they were all rescued from the streets.”

“(ZEN Calming Aid) really helps calm Zoe down, she is very afraid of storms and fire crackers!”

“(ZEN Calming Aid) Really helps take the edge off during storms.”

“Happy is Always Healthy! I Am Sooo Happy, Happy is Healthy- Thanks LICK'S!!”

“I tried your product back in 2020 and it did amazing things for Miss Rosie. Cleared up her flaky skin, no more itching and scratching, her coat is shining, her eyes clearer. Less shedding. Then had to stop buying your product. I just recently ordered it again as things are better and I have made it a PRIORITY to ALWAYS have this for Rose because she LOVES it and it is SO good for her skin allergies! Please never stop making this!”

“Before we found Licks Digestion, we'd frequently be awakened by the sound of cats Abby's belly. It was so loud we could hear it across the room, and then she wouldn't eat breakfast. Since we found Licks and have been giving it to her with dinner the night before, she hasn't skipped breakfast and the bellycats have not returned! Thank you for the only product we've found that has eased her intestinal distress!”

“This is miss Tasha. She does not care for thunderstorms or fireworks AT ALL. She has been known to keep us up all hours of the night, panting, pawing, clawing, jumping on top of the bed and trying to hide from the scary sounds by curling up next to us and being held tightly. Then, I discovered LICKS Pill-Free Zen packs. One sniff and she comes running! When we know it’s going to storm or if there’s a holiday with fireworks, we give baby girl a Zen pack and within 20-30 min, she is calm, not doped up like she would be with an anti anxiety medicine that would normally be prescribed. She is just zen and she hardly notices the scary noises. I love that this product is natural. It’s important to me to give the best quality ingredients to our family, human and fur. We always have a stock of Zen packs on hand. Thank you for making such a wonderful solution for my girl’s storm anxiety. Now Tasha, husky brother Bru, and Mom & dad can sleep peacefully. 😆💖”

“This product saved me $300 to the vet! Not saying you should avoid going to the vet, but I knew it was upset stomach and I wanted to try alternative way first.
After 5 days of loose or watery stools, and very smelly fart, I tried as many remedies as I could from articles online. It seemed to help a little bit, but the smelly fart was the tough one to go away. I went to Pet'sMart and tried to find something that would offer enzyme plus to stop the smelly fart. This one did it! It's been 4-5 days since she first took it, and now the stool has been nice and firm. Success!”

“My cat, Sebastian, started throwing up over a month ago when shedding season started. I received a couple samples of LICKS® Hairball at a trade show and decided to try it with him. He, literally, has not thrown up since. After the first two days of usage I purchased the 30 pack from the store and although he is still constantly grooming, he hasn’t thrown up for over a month! Unbelievable!”

“Joleen is a big girl She’s always had allergies especially her skin. I tried licks skin and allergy + shiny healthy pill free packs and the results were visible in 3 days I couldn’t believe how great her coat was! It was really like magic, as if she went to the groomer an just came out, her coat was so shiny and clean! Her paws also were visibly shiny an the oils she wasn’t getting were in her skin. I have been recommending licks to EVERYONE! The pill free formula is so easy to give the dog and they love the taste of the formula like a doggie treat but it’s a vitamin!”

“We are seeming to love these for our pets! Started off using the cat hairball ones & when I went online to order more I decided to get some for my dogs. They love them! Not to mention they seem to really help. My cats hair balls have calmed down tremendously!”

“Zen is the only product I've found that helps ease my dog's anxiety with storms and fireworks and I'm so grateful for it! Especially since it's safe ingredients that she loves and will gladly eat. Now she's 10 and I started giving her Elderdog also and she's so playful and energetic. It makes me so happy!
Last year I moved in with my partner and her dog and he loves Zen too. He gets so relaxed he falls asleep through storms!”

“Scupper loves Licks. He eats it up before the storms. Or if he is getting his nails done. He is a sensitive animal. Scup was born with a heart shaped patch on his back. He is a Spanish Water Dog. So thank you! Thank you for Licks. You all have done dear ScupDawg a big favor by creating this great product! You have helped a sweet sweet spirit be calm in the raging thunderstorms way down here in central Florida. Scup really depends on the Licks. We try never to run low! Many thanks. And Scup says woof!”

“When I first got Chandler from Alive Rescue, he had major skin issues. Bald spots all over his back, his chest was completely bare, like someone shaved him, and the fur was gone on a portion of his leg. The vet I went to gave me 2 different prescription meds to give to him but after hearing how Rx meds hadn't worked for him in the past, I decided to try something different. I met Amy randomly while eating lunch on a patio in the west loop. She told me about Licks and recommended this product. Within a week of me giving it to him I could see a noticeable improvement in his behavior - he didn't rub or scratch as much. And within 3-4 weeks, his fur grew back completely on his back and he now has fur on his neck and his legs. His coat has grown in so beautifully, he looks like a completely different dog! The sad but also happy part of this story was he was put on the kill list at a local shelter because of his allergies/skin. Because Alive Rescue saved him and because I started him on the Licks supplement and a good nutrition routine, Chandler's skin issues are gone and he is now in a happy home, living his best beagle life! Thank you Licks!!”

"My bully suffers from skin allergies. I have tried everything, and she has been on way to many medications in her 7 years of life which never worked. I found LICKS® Skin and Allergy + Shiny Coat and all I have to say is “wow!” She loves it and her skin cleared up almost completely in only 2.5 weeks! I will never give my dog another pill again! I highly recommend this product!"

“We adopted Dakota a year ago from a rescue. She is 10 years old and I’m quite sure she has a history of abuse. She is absolutely terrified of thunderstorms and fireworks. I seriously think she could have a heart attack she gets so worked up shaking, panting, and whining. I gave her a packet of Licks Zen and she laid on the floor for a couple of hours completely calm and relaxed. The next night another storm rolled through and more fireworks were set off so I gave her another dose and we got the same reaction. I am completely sold on Licks Zen. I will make sure we always have these on hand for this poor girl!!”

“This year, there were people shooting off fireworks. For my dog Roy, it was too late; he was totally freaking out. Everyone at this hotel has dogs. many have been coming on the 4th for years. She told me about your product and gave me one. I went back to my room, gave it to Roy, and, in 15 minutes , he was completely calmed down. went to sleep right away. I thought that I was going to be up all night! He was a teeny bit groggy this morning, but perked back up and was fine. Roy weighs only 12 lbs. I was delighted to find the little size packets. I can start with one and if he needs more, give him another without the mess of a half full packet laying around. My vet said that because Roy is old, and has a heart condition that he cannot take sedatives. fine by me, i don't put any more drugs in him than necessary. I am going to give some of the packets to friends of mine; everyone I know has dogs, and not everyone can afford to leave town to escape fireworks. This is a godsend for all dog owners! sorry to go on so long. This product has changed my life and Roy's, too. Thank you!!!”

“Both of my cats came down with a UTI at the same time. Not wanting to mtraumatize yself or my cats with forcing a pill down their throats, we started looking for drops for water or food. Three different products, three different brands, and three trips to the pet shop later, both cats were boycotting their food and water. That's when Google recommended Lick's. We figured we'd try it and weren't too hopeful because we thought it would be a lot more expensive if it worked. When we saw the paw option for dosing, we decided to try that first. We were stunned to see our cats quickly lick mthedicine from their paws. By the third day of Lick's Urinary Tract Care, both of our cats are feeling better and the UTI is on its way out. The individually portioned packages are easy to use and I felt much more confident about the amount of each medicine cat received. I'm sold on Lick's and I'll only be using this brand in the future.”

“For years I have bought hairball goo for my cats. Never, not even once could I get them to ingest any product w/o a fight! I saw a ad for Licks & ordered some. That was about 3yrs ago, & now it's the only one I buy for my kitties. they love it, I keep a few pks in the fridge & when they need it, I just open it, put it on a small treat tray & they finish it every time! No hassle, no bother! I (& my cats) love Licks!”

“I have 5 adopted fur-babies that are on raw food therefore I needed an excellent supplement to balance their raw meat diet. I have tried everything available on the market but nothing seemed to be working equally for all 5. Some supplements worked for 3 but made the other 2 sick or caused stomach and digestive upset. Some products didn't even work at all.
And than I found Licks Dog Multi-Vitamin liquid gel. What a miracle product! All 5 love it and they blossomed within 2 weeks. As they are between ages of 9, 8, 7 years and two 15 months puppies, I am also going to look into introducing other Licks products such as Join & Heart and Senior Dog supplements. I am extremely happy with Licks' performance and highly recommended to anyone.”

“Our little guy Rey was really suffering with skin allergies and itching during the hot and humid summers here in South Carolina. We tried everything from over-the-counter allergy medication to prescription formulas. Nothing helped! Rey would chew and scratch, and pull out patches of fur. Then, while shopping at a local pet store I discovered Licks Dog Skin and Allergy + Shiny Coat and decided to give it a try. First, Rey loved the flavor and it made a nice supplement on his food. Then, the itching subsided and his coat filled in more beautiful than before! He is a happy boy now and loves his Licks!! Thank you for making such a healthy solution for a frustrating problem!!”

“We give our to Bouviers Licks calming liquid before the vet and before grooming and they are very calm. Ares our big baby gets some during thunderstorms and remains calm. We LOVE this product!”

“I have been using LICKS skin and allergy for over 5 years. It has worked wonders for my English bulldog, Pork Chop! He is not scratching and sneezing like he was and his hot spots have gone away! I did not want my bulldog on any prescriptions if I could help it and thank goodness I found this product! It helps that it smells like chicken and not medicinal so I do not have to cover it up with anything! He absolutely loves it! I even asked my vet if she had heard of LICKS a few years ago. She said....Isn't it the stuff that's all natural and has a bunch of fatty acids in it? She said to keep him on it. Thank you LICKS!”

"Riley is a shelter dog from New Mexico. She is part coyote and husky. She was born on Native land. I am a travel nurse who lives my life 14 weeks at a time. Riley and I are up and on the move all the time! We love using Licks! I have recommended it to many people, often sharing the extra packs I carry with me for our trips."

“The Licks Skin and Allergy Pill Free works fantastic. My cats have skin allergies that it caused them to claw so bad, it was raw and bleeding. After using Licks Skin and Allergy licks, their skin cleared up within a week. I still put it in their wet food. They are healthy and their coats are thicker and shinier. I gave it a 5 star, because ask for anything better. Thanks Licks Products 😺😻”

“@lickspillfree is SO helpful, for our baby girl Cora with a UTI! I really love all their products they are really amazing how well they work. And I love the ingredients! All our fur babes have used it for many different things.”

“Rico has skin allergy problem, he at times constantly scratch his body or licking his feet. We found licks allergy last month and Rico's symptoms start to improve. He is a very picky eater but he liked up the entire pack on the first try. Great product.”

“Kaona (AKA Wild Puppy) is a Basset with the energy of a Lab. She get's homemade meals and hasn't met a vegetable or vitamin she can't spit out even if it's wrapped in a Porterhouse. It's always been a struggle to get her take any kind of vitamin, whether it's crushed up, liquid or otherwise. Luckily we heard about Licks and decided to give the Multi-Vitamins for Dogs a try. When I tore off the corner of the first envelope, her eyes widened. I let her sniff it and she started drooling and licking it so I just squeezed the envelope as she ate it up. We couldn't believe it and were so happy and relieved to find something she'll take. I've been putting it on a plate since then and every time, right when I open the envelope she starts to drool and get excited. Thank you Licks for this, her joints haven't been bothering her and she still has the energy and endurance of a pup.
Also, what a great company for helping out the shelters like you do.”

“Little was a premature baby and has ADD. He gets really going fast and can't stop. When he was a baby we just didn't know what we were going to do because he was so small and frail. We tried everything with the Vet and nothing helped until we found Licks. He has been on it for six years now and is doing just great. He gets one packet a day and it keeps him at a steady pace. He is just the sweetest little cat you would ever want.”

“Today I purchased the licks littles multivitamin for my sweet "Lola". She has just recently been diagnosed with heart disease and is on lots of meds. I went looking for a multi and was so happy to find yours! I was unsure if she would like it because she is so very picky about everything. When I got home she sniffed it & got so excited.. she licked the box! I quickly got one packet out and drizzled a little in a bowl. Success! She loved it! I am so happy!
She means the world to us and I haven't been able to get her meds down easily. I am going to use it each day with her meds. Thank you for such a wonderful product! I wouldn't have bought the product if it didn't have such great ingredients. That was the main reason I decided to try it for her. Thank you!”

“We use the Elder dog formula. The Elder dog has helped my dog with Hip Dysplasia significantly. With the mixture of Green Lipped Muscle, Vitamin C, and Glucosamine, it’s a great addition to his raw diet for extra joint support and anti inflammatory benefits.”

“Licks (Zen) is wonderful and really helps my pet relax during bad storms, fire works and stressful times like vet visits”

“My cat is about 14 years old and has always had issues with digestion and more recently has developed some joint discomfort. Giving her one of these (Cat Senior) per day has really made a big difference in her quality of life. She rarely limps anymore and is able to jump onto and off of the couch more easily. Thank you for giving her a better quality of life!”

“Tasha used to scratch incessantly. She would scratch her ears so bad she developed hematomas. Since using Licks (Skin & Allergy) she is like a new dog. It is amazing!

“On a road trip our precious little kitty became a monster ,she She ripped through her carrier. She cried the whole time just these horrible yelps. We had medicine from the Vet, pills that were supposed to keep her asleep for 8 hours, only an hour later she would be up like here's Johnny in 'The Shinning' only it was here here's Alley. We looked up the nearest pet store desperate for some reprieve. Thus our introduction to licks It was a miracle ! I put it on her paw which took a good half hour for her to lick and then she was calm .That was 4 years ago. I left one star empty because it smells. But it is all natural and works .😊

“Excellent, my shiba inu loves the taste of Licks (Dog Skin & Allergy)!”

“I came across Licks Pill-Free (Dog Digestion) 30 count in a plastic container at my local Trading Post on sale. My babies love this stuff so much that I bought all 4 containers that they had and they will not be restocking so when I do run out the price won't matter! I love the healthy digestive enzymes that are great for their bellies and they go crazy for these! If they won't eat all I have to do is drizzle this over their food and problem solved! So, it is a little pricey but definitely worth it!”

“She is 16 and in bad shape, with renal failure and a bunch of other issues. It's not easy for either of us but she is still having too much fun to consider putting her down. I wanted something very absorbable that had taurine, omegas and glucosamine, to alleviate at least some of her itching, hot spots, ravenous hunger and eating entirely bad things. All of it makes her very anxious and adds to the hyper. This (Licks Cat Senior) worked! I noticed a difference in her behavior within a few days. Now, on those bad days when only fluids will do, I don't worry that the "tuna water" is not enough.”

“I have some really picky cats. This is the only vitamin/supplement any of them will eat. Jeezy gets the senior licks and it clears up his dry dander-y fur and makes his coat feel soft and fluffy after a few packets!”

“Licks Littles Zen is great for car rides and times at the beach!”

“My dog Rooty gets nervous at the Vet, getting groomed, and being away from me for an afternoon. I found Licks at a store and it works great, I even gave some packets to my friends whose dogs would cry when left alone, it worked great for them too!”

“My cats love this product! It's the only way to be sure that Phoebe eats the food with her medicine.”

“Our cat, Clyde, has very thick, coarse fur and a super sandpaper-rough tongue. This led to lots of fur balls. The Licks Hairball formula has worked wonders! We initially gave it to him every day for a week, and now give it to him three times a week for maintenance and he hasn't had any fur balls in four months. Bonus - he thinks we're giving him a delicious treat! ;)”

“I give two of my cats this (Cat Hairball) product. They love to eat grass and throw up. They also are big groomers and are always hacking up hair, or throwing up. This product has definitely helped with their tummy problems. Love it!”

“I give both my cat and dog skin & allergy formula with their food. They not only love it, but their skin and coats seem to be much healthier, too. We are all very happy!”

“My furbaby has been taking Licks for many years now and she is very healthy and happy! The Veterinarian always asks if she is taking any medications, and we always let them know she is taking Licks. I like that we can just put it on her plate and she licks it right up versus trying to grind up pills or hide it in her food and hope she'll eat it.”

“It is such a great product, our cats like it and their health is certainly better!”

“Yolo is a 160 pound Great Pyrenees. Unfortunately he is desperately afraid of storms. To the point he will become aggressive. To add fuel to the fire the poor little (big guy) lives in Florida. Lick's Calm has not only helped him daily summer thunderstorms. But this survived two Hurricanes. He breezed through Hurricane Irma in 2017. This year he made it through Hurricane Ian in the eye of the storm. In a flooded house he was swimming through. I can only thank, the grace of shod, the people of Licks and the calming product for helping him get through!”

“Linus is a very picky, 10 y/o 8 & 1/2 pound, long haired Chihuahua. I have fed him some of the best fresh frozen dog foods that he will eat for a while then turn up his nose and refuse to eat until I change food. So I was surprised and happy when he licked up the multi vitamins by Lick's. Now he eats the Licks first and I know he's getting nutrition even when he ignores his food.”

“My Sheltie, Calvin is petrified by thunder storms and fireworks. I give him the licks Zen at the 1st sign of thunder and within 20-30 minutes he is as calm as can be - no passing, panting or clinging to my side. It's the only calming product that I have found that really works. I also have a neurological 2.5 yr old rescue dog that gets very anxious and it helps her also. I would recommend this to any one that would prefer a natural product.”

“Grover has hip pain and he feels so much better and sleeps well when I give him the pain relief packet. It makes me happy to see my boy feeling better and playing. Thanks Licks!”

“We just got back home from an out of state bitework competition. We traveled, attended 3 days of seminars, competed, and then traveled home. Licks was easy to travel with, palatable and definitely helped keep my dog on her toes during long, hot days.“

“Zen Licks calms Quake down and allows her to be more comfortable while we train other dogs with gunfire, whistles, etc. Her sensitivity developed after she was retired. Quake is noise sensitive in her older age and Zen works really well to help take the edge off in stressful situations.”

“Mimi has been over grooming for some time now. I've tried everything to get her to stop, but nothing has worked. Mimi is on her second box of Licks Cat Calming, While she hasn't completely stopped licking all her fur off, I've noticed a difference in the time she spends grooming, and her fur is growing back.!“

“As O'Reilly gets older he has times of panting and restlessness. This is especially true at bed time. We have found the only item to have him relax and get to sleep is the calming Licks. It has helped so much and works within about 30 minutes.”

“My dog Captain America suffers from storm anxiety. His whole body shakes and he's pants so much. It was so hard to watch and not be about to provide any comfort. We found Lick's when he was about 3 (he’s 8 now) and it's a staple in our home. We live in Georgia and get a lot of storms. Lick's works fact and he is able to rest calmly through it. I recommend this product!”

“Have a puppies who are scared of storms, Lickies help calm them!”

"My senior male cat, Herman, was suffering from constant urinary tract problems. Not only did LICKS® help with the one he had when we first started him on LICKS®, he has not had one since! The Vet had him on an almost constant regimen of antibiotics, which were wearing on his immune system and nearly impossible to get him to swallow. She also suggested changing his diet to a food with UT fighting ingredients – with my fickle cat this was never going to happen – since he will only eat one type of food. I am so happy to have found this product and not have had to change his regular diet in the process!"

“I am writing to Thank You for developing such a GREAT product! For the past 6 weeks, I have been using the Joint and Heart formula with my 11 year old German Shepherd, Loki. Loki is still a very active dog, and loves to take on new challenges. Recently, we have been working on learning mushing together. As an older dog, his joints are always a concern for me (especially with the strain of pulling), but he is much less stiff and more active than usual, even with the new exercise, thanks to your product!”

“Experiment successful! 6 puppies, 7.5 weeks old. LICKS® ZEN™ given 15 minutes prior to car ride. They were total angels at the eye doctor. Hardly any whining in the car, slept through their time at the clinic and slept on the way home. Yay for LICKS®!”

“Franklin is a 12 year old miniature dachshund. He had chronic pain and would sometimes yelp when touched. He improved so much with the Licks (ElderDog) that I put my older pug and small mixed breed on them. Franklin acts more like his younger self these days! Very happy with the supplement.”

“He loves these packets....he sits every morning waiting for me to give him one....I will always have these in hand for him.”

“We had received licks skin and allergy which we used in conjunction with a special diet to facilitate the recovery of animals that due to starvation or injury required help with their coats. We also had licks calming aid which came in extremely handy this 4th of July. We gave it to the animals that suffered the worst from loud noises, also visits to vets, and nail trimming. Only one had to receive 2nd dose. You have more of the supplements in your easy to administer packs than any other we have ever used. Thanks to the people who donate these to rescues and thanks Licks for this thoughtful approach to treating our special 4 legged friends!"

“My cat loves it and it keeps her very chill.”

“My two thunderpuffs have been itching since allergy season popped off and it's seriously bad this year. I've tried a few products now that haven't helped them find relief whatsoever. I'm in a bit of awe after one packet each they have barely lifted a paw to scratch. I've felt so horrible not being able to help them until now. I’m finally at peace because they are! Licks for liiife”

“Licks made all the difference for my dog's allergic itching and scratching. My dog has multiple allergies: seasonal, flea, and many foods. She was reacting to the Apoquel the vet gave her so I took her off it and started a holistic regimen. I give her high-quality canned food + dehydrated raw food + probiotics + collostrum periodically + homeopathic skin and itch remedy + topical essential oil anti-itch spray + essential oil flea collars. All of that made a big difference but she was still bothered with itch. Then I discovered Licks and my dog was finally able to make through an entire year without pulling her hair out and chewing her feet 'til they were red and sore. I love this stuff :)”

“Our rescue corgi, Patti, is terrified of storms and fireworks. She trembles, pants/drools and sometimes pees. Once the storm comes or the fireworks start, Licks Zen is the only thing that helps her. She won't take any kind of treat or chew when she's stressed, but she'll still lap up her Licks! It has been a lifesaver for our sweet girl! Thank you for helping her find some relief (that's actually healthy)!
P.S. she’s also a Licks ElderDog lover. It’s made a tremendous difference with her joints.”

“I dog sit and one of my customers suggested lick. I bought it for my older dog plus I use it on my younger dog. I have suggested Lick to some of my customer's. And they love it. It has helped many dogs.”

“I love love love this product! Not only does it work extremely well but it tastes good and my dog loves it. I can't say enough about the immediate relief my dog gets from these. He has allergies due to a puppy sitter giving him people food. He was scratching his skin and shaking his little head from itchy ears. I can't bare his discomfort and so I always keep these on hand. They seriously work! And fast! Ty ty ty! I can't wait to try your other products!”

“This is the only product that I have found that helps my poor chiweenie!!“

“(Licks Skin & Allergy) Help with hot spots on my English bulldogs”

“Last night with the storms the Thundershirt didn’t even TOUCH Jack-Jack’s anxiety. Neither he nor I slept as he just sat next to me shaking and panting. When the storms hit again this morning, I came in, grabbed a packet of ZEN™ and he lapped it up. Within 10 minutes, he was calmly laying on his bed! He is now asleep, sans thundershirt, behind the counter. Amazing!! Thanks!”

“I had Carlee on arthritis meds from the vet. Then I saw Licks (ElderDog) and decided to give a try, she is like 5 years younger! She jogged in the field yesterday. I Couldn't believe it! Her eyes are brighter. INCREDIBLE vitamins!”

“My name is Isis and the world is very scary for me. I've gotten better about a lot of stuff but storms are still terrifying. Tonight there isn't a storm, Dad is burning dinner and the smoke detectors are clearly trying to kill me. Zen to the rescue. I know when my Mom gives me Zen, I feel better. Let the calm kick in and I'll get my Zen on.”

“Hassle free product, highly recommended. Moccha has very sensitive skin and I tried almost every single product out with no luck until I found Licks.”

“Ginger suffered from UTI's for most of her life. She was constantly on antibiotics. It got to the point that we discussed surgery. Thankful we found the Licks Urinary Tract Care, and she has been free of UTI's for 3 years now! Amazing Thank you Licks Pill-Free!!”

“My girl is pretty mellow about most activities, as Bulldogs usually are, however she does get anxious while riding long distances. Since we take her everywhere we needed to find something that would help her enjoy her ride and the Zen Gel packs are awesome! First of all she loves the taste so it is easily devoured and second THEY WORK! We have been a long time customer and will continue to come back because your products are wonderful! Chloe thanks you as well!”

“I just wanted to say that your products are incredible! I use the elder dog liquid pouches for my senior dog and always notice her mobility increase significantly. I recently ran out and wasn't able to afford them for about a month, and she slowly got slower and slower. I bought two of your larger packages a few days ago and already she's walking as fast as as i am and even running with me, which is incredible as she is almost 15! I live in a basement suite and i honestly believe she would barely be able to climb the stairs if it wasn't for Licks. I just wanted to write to you guys to say thank you! Iv never had such success before.”

“This product is absolutely amazing! My dog gets these random bursts of allergic reactions and he constantly scratches his poor self up. Licks has cleared his skin and stopped his itching every time. I can’t recommend this company enough!”

“Mom is getting ready for work which means I get a yummy treat by @lickspillfree ! I love the taste and how it makes me feel nice and calm. Mom says it takes a while to kick jn and I just have to be patient but I don’t like feeling scared and nervous all the time.”

“Hastings was adopted at 6 months with some pretty icky skin lesions and conditions. Bald spots were brought on by stress but he continues to struggle with them even after living in a calm home for a couple months. After looking everywhere for vitamins and internal remedies, I came accross Licks at petco. It wasn't cray expensive and I was able to get the 10 pack gel of Skin and Allergy Shiny Healthy licks. Hastings absolutely loves the taste even licks the bowl clean after I mix it in with his food. I've noticed a decrease in the bald spots but most of all his fur and skin has a great shine and thickness to it that wasn't there before. I'm really happy with this product and I've only given him 3 packs! This will become a staple in his diet for all of his needs - so happy about finding this product!”

“I’ve been giving Licks ElderDog to Roxy, my shepherd mix, for one week and there is a considerable difference in her running and recovery time. I will be purchasing this product to give to her every day. It’s easy to administer and cost effective and smells pretty good too!”

“Tilly is happy, loves to sun bathe and play with the kids. All thanks to LICKS. And she loves it so much that she tries to eat the package!”

“My dog is a 14 yr. old, 14 lb. Chihuahua mix who has, sadly, started experiencing cognitive dysfunction. He gets very stressed and anxious and sometimes screams, it breaks my heart. This truly helps with his anxiety. It calms him. I give it to him around bedtime and it helps him sleep through the night. I've even shared with a friend of mine, who LOVED it, and she placed an order as well.“

“This is the Best Product. We used it last night for our dog. He did not shake or run and hide. Slept through all the fire works. Great Product Now I am ready for thunderstorms”

“My 18-year old cat collapsed while walking about 10 days ago. I had a box of the multivitamin cat Licks I bought a while ago and decided to try it. She hid under the bed in embarrassment so I put the Licks in her wet food and she crawled out to eat it. A few hours later she walked out to the living room, got up on the sofa and has steadily improved ever since.
Since I have been giving her Licks Multi and Licks Senior Cat she is interested in playing games again. She has been going up and down the basement steps and walking along the edge of the bath tub. Thank you so much for Licks!!!”

“I have a 13 year old Frenchie who is experiencing problems with her rear legs. We started using Licks to provide comfort and pain relief to her. She likes the taste! So does her five year old Doberman brother! We are in her second box of that and just started using the Elder dog licks as well.”

“I bought the Zen chicken flavor for my dog Charlie...he's the biggest of our 3 dogs. Thunder and firecrackers do a real number on him. I found your product at PetSmart, bought the 5 packet box. Within 20 minutes he was really calm. It smells good enough for me to try, but it's for Charlie. I then ordered direct from your company a box of 15. Thank you so much for such a great product, and Charlie thanks you too.”

“Ty is still a puppy and has more energy than most of us combined. He gets his occasional ZEN from LICKS, but mostly he gets ATHLETE To help his bones and muscles recover faster!”

“Our 7 year old pug mix, Max, gets a bad skin irritation in the cold, winter months whereby his paws and chest get very red, and he is constantly licking and scratching himself. We have tried everything from creams to steroids and nothing seemed to work, not without side effects anyway.
I came across LICKS® Pill-Free® Skin and Allergy + Shiny Coat so I thought I’d give it a try. I am so thankful that I decided to try the product because within a couple of weeks Max’s red paws and chest disappeared. Although he still licks his paws, he has stopped scratching and there are no side effects! This truly is a miracle product! Thank you for helping our Pug and giving us peace of mind!”

“I’ve been using this product (Dog Skin & Allergy) for my dog’s allergies and he loves them . And it really works!”

“The Littles Licks Calming Aid products have proven to be the best for my babies stress during thunderstorms and loud fireworks!”

“I really like this product. It's very easy to give to each of my dogs. I'm a pet owner of 4 and each has their own issues that needed to be addressed. So far LICKS is making a difference. Awesome product 👌”

“We use Licks to avert/relieve Molly's symptoms from thunderstorms, fireworks and the like. The calming effect is obvious as she stops trembling, panting, nervous pacing and drooling and can lie down and relax again!”

“Rainin is an Agility 10 years old! Her intense training and constant showing is hard on her body. I found Lick Recovery when she was just starting her career and we would not be without it! She looks forward to that little packet as part of her trial keeps her energy up and helps her muscles recover from the abuse of running courses!!”

“Wish I found this product sooner!!! My dog suffers from bloat as well as serious "seasonal" allergies. Not only has my dogs skin gotten better overtime with the continued use, but she is bloating less and burping more. These packets are liquid gold, especially for a pet that doesn't like pills/chews. Smells a little rough but I'm pretty sure that's what draws her in. Love this product!”

“He loves this (Licks Skin & Allergy), it really helps against his itching!”

“These products are absolutely the best for helping my pets during traumatic times ( fireworks, thunderstorms...). I have introduced all my family and friends to Lil Licks!”

“I use for my cat skin allergy that oil for dogs, but very small doses as 2 drops per day. Working great. In couple days all skin became clean. Thanks.”

“My 3-month old Pom gets very wound up at night. I just give her a lick or two of Zen and she relaxes and sleeps through the night. And it's safe, not a drug. I used Zen and Senior Littles on my 15 year old Pom and she was in great shape till the end.”

“Lilo loves this stuff (Licks Littles Zen
Calming Aid)!!”

“My dog absolutely loves this! She is a very picky eater. I always struggle finding things she likes and are good for her. Life saver ! “

“Love the medicine (for UTI), it worked really fast! I will order from you more as I need it ...Thank you!”

“Works very well to reduce hairballs and constipation. Our cats have trouble voluntarily consuming this product. So I administer with oral syringe.”

“JohnWayne will be 16 in September. His front shoulders started getting bad a few years back. Nothing helped for more than a few weeks. He's been on Licks (Senior) for a year now and it's such a huge difference! He's still my old man, but he is in SO MUCH less pain! Thank you! “

“Mia uses the Relaxing (Cat ZEN Calming Aid), The product is really good 😊”

“Lilo loves The taste and can’t get enough of it. She seems to calm down however she is a nervous Nellie with the thunderstorms and the loud booms but your product seems to keep her mellowed out. Thank you for your product!”

“This is the best product around. This helped my dog through 4th of July fireworks.
Then also my husband (archers best friend) is traveling and Archer gets anxiety when this happens and I have been giving him the calming every morning and it's working like a charm!
He was itching a lot from the anxiety so the vet put him on steroids to help. And I am not about that. The calming has saved us lots and lots of itching!”

“I originally purchased as a treat that I could give my dog while on walks but Camo prefers the liquid to be mixed in with her wet food. I like that I can put it in the fridge and it gels up more solid or I can leave at room temperature and it's an easy liquid to mix into foods.”

“I purchased the Calming and Skin & Allergy products. I love it my dog Willy is loving it!”

“When I get anxious, mama gives me @lickspillfree Zen. I love both the chicken and the beef flavors. I lick it right out of the packet, or mix in my food!”

"My big 13 year old CHICO takes elder care daily and he is like a spring chicken !!!! Such an improvement!!! He could barely run let alone play before and now he is so playful and youthful!!! THANK YOU LICKS!!!💙💙💙”

“My breeders recommended multi-vitamin supplements for Rose. She can be a picky eater but we have found she LOVES Licks liquid vitamins. We are constantly told how beautiful she is and asked how we keep her coat so glossy. She is active in sports and we also are repeatedly told how strong and fast she is - surpassing some males in the training. Love our Licks and recommend them without hesitation!”

“My dog has a very sensitive stomach and he cannot tolerate pills or tablets. When I found Licks products, I knew I had to have my pup try it. He has tolerated the Licks Urinary Tract Care extremely well. My pup is a happy camper now that we found Licks. Next I will be purchasing the Licks calming with the 4th of July coming up and my pups fear of fireworks he could use such a product.”

“Coco is an 8 pound Pekingese. She has has recurring UTIs for the past few years. The vet wanted to put her on prescription food but Coco only eats Fresh Pet. We decided to try the urinary tract licks and it cleared up her infection. And she loves it. She thinks it's her evening treat.”

“My dog loves Licks calming gel. I give it to her when I leave for a period of time and it calms her separation anxiety.”

“Sophie refuses to eat her breakfast until she gets her Licks!!”

“Riley has more energy and less joint pain since using Elder Dog. We can see such a difference in our sweet girl knowing her age-related aches and pains are eased.“

“Our 85lb girl, Medusa, has major anxiety. She is so worried and scared of sounds and will paces, grump, bark and just not settle down. After her first Calming Lick she was settled and nothing bothered her. Even loud clapping, snapping and the noisy kids outside screaming does not bother her anymore. She is calm and follows commands easier because she is calm and focused. Our little 20lb boy Hades, is a worry wart and barks at everything. Now that he has had his Licks he is less worried about and more cuddly and happy.”

“The Allergy & skin worked beautifully for my pit bull.”

“I give my dog his skin & allergy gummy every morning. It really helps with his dry skin and itching. The smell doesn't bother my dog at all. Never have a problem with him not wanting to eat his gummy.“

“They are a god sent. They have saved my dog so much pain and helped her UTI's many times. They are a must have in your home!“

“She is a very high-strung cat, so I was hoping that this might help take her edge off. Unfortunately, she did not like them, but my other cats LOVED them! So, I'm happy. I recommend your products to those who need something special for their pets.“

“(Licks ZEN) The easiest stress-free (for both of us) way to give my silky/yorkie anti-anxiety medication! I can even give it to her if I’ve waited too long!”

“I add (Licks ElderDog) to Benji's cottage cheese treat every day. I chose this product because of its excellent ingredients, how easy it is to give and he loves it!! I want to make sure my little boy stays healthy so I will definitely keep ordering. Thanks for a great product.”

“We use the Lick's vitamins and both dogs absolutely love them (and Laila is the pickiest eater I've ever met). We received a sample of Zen and I saved it knowing 4th of July was coming up. Both dogs are terrified, Laila barks as every firework goes off and Flynn (a one year old puppy) paces and tries to hide. I split the gel package between them (they are 12 pounds and fifteen pounds) and within 10 minutes they were calm and within 30 minutes they were completely Zenned out. What an incredible Godsend! I will be using this for vet visits, grooming appointments, when company comes, etc. I can't say enough. Buy this product. Your pets will thank you!”

“I have tried many different medications with no effect and a trainer recommended Licks and its amazing! It actually works on him; now I use it for all my rescues as they adjust to their new life!”

“First time using (Licks Athlete) for my agility dog Kevin. Nice energy rebound. I'll definitely use it again.”

“Our dog Midnight loves your Multi-Vitamin supplement! Sometimes she'll lick it all straight from the packet and sometimes we put it in her food to help with flavor and get her to eat when she's being a picky eater. And it's gratifying to know that your product is so healthy for her too!”